Aus welchem ​​Material besteht Spunlace-Vliesstoff?


  The main raw materials of spunlace non-woven fabrics are made of natural fibers, cotton, wool, linen and silk materials. Spunlace non-woven fabric is to spray high-pressure fine water flow onto one or more layers of fiber webs, so that the fibers are entangled with each other, so that the fiber web is reinforced and has a fixed strength, and the obtained fabric is spunlace non-woven fabric. . Its fiber raw materials come from a wide range of sources, which can be polyester, nylon, polypropylene, viscose fiber, chitin fiber, microfiber, tencel, silk, bamboo fiber, wood pulp fiber, seaweed fiber, etc.

  The principle of spunlace reinforcing fiber web is similar to that of acupuncture, but instead of needling needles, multiple fine water jets generated by high pressure are used, and the spunlace machine sprays the fiber web. After the water jet passes through the fiber web, it is supported by the rebound of the net curtain and penetrates the fiber web again. As a result, the fibers in the fiber web are displaced, interspersed, entangled and cohesive under the hydraulic action of the high-speed water jets in different directions. Strengthen the web.

  Spunlace-Vliesstoffe werden für medizinische Vorhänge, OP-Mäntel, OP-Abdecktücher, medizinische Verbandsmaterialien, Wundauflagen, medizinische Gaze, Luftfahrtlappen, Kleidungsfutterstoffe, Beschichtungsgrundstoffe, Einwegmaterialien und fortschrittliche Lappen für Instrumente und Messgeräte verwendet. , Hochwertige Lappen, Handtücher, Wattepads, Feuchttücher, Maskenabdeckmaterialien etc. in der Elektronikindustrie.

 What material is spunlace non-woven fabric made of

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